Sunday, June 13, 2010

arrived to Moshi

Sorry for the delay on the blog. We have not been able to get internet access for the past few days. We arrived in Nairobi a few days ago. The place we are staying this year is accross the street from Mathare valley. It is a catholic guest house. I thought it was a little funny how catholic church' are decked in gold, but no internet. I apologize for those who want to keep up with our work here. I will try to purchase an internet card when we get back to Kenya. The cards do not work in Tanzania, but we do have an internet cafe just down the street from where we will be staying for the next few days.

We got a chance to go to mercy care for a few hours on friday. It was such a great experience. Everything had changed so much from last year. We pulled into the common area at the school to see about 600 or more kids lined up on both sides of the street. As we pulled past the first few kids, they all began to follow the van till we stopped. The kids were all jumping up and down, screaming at the top of their lungs. Many of them started hitting the van. The van was shacking so much, I felt like I was a rockstar getting ready to show my face to all my fans. It was a welcome that I have never had before. The secondary school was taking exams, so we were missing over a 100 kids from the celebration. I could not imagine the decibles that would of been created if we had more kids going crazy. I had the biggest smile on my face friday morning when we landed in Nairobi. I was just so excited to be back in Africa. It gives you an over whelming feeling that is hard to describe. Words can not begin to explain the power that comes over you. Seeing so many familiar faces was such a relief. I showed up last year not knowing what to do, other than to smile. This year was kicked off with my buddy john from secondary form 3 greeting me. Last year I would of shoock hands with the older guys. This year I had to give them a hug. People who know me, know that I don't even hug my own mother. Sad, I know, but the love and excitement you have for the kids here seems a little differant. It is almost like a hand shake will not do. I took a little tour around the school grounds with john to see how things were looking. I was surprised to see how much things had changed. Last year the pre school age kids were in this run down metal building that had like 1,348 holes in it. It was a catastrophe waiting to happen. I was almost afraid to go near it last year. Those little guys were just happy to be able to sit down and learn. Not all kids in the valley are that fortunate. This year, construction had already begun for a new building. There is only the outline with the first few layers of bricks. But what a start. The rest of the building is waiting for a group from North Carolina to finish. What a wonderful opportunity for these kids to meet some more mazoongu. Also, to learn that there are many people accross the United States and Austalia who really care for them. There are also some new 10x10 rooms that were purchased in the surrounding area that will be converted to bigger class rooms. This school needs more space. I feel as if the school as doubled in size in just one year.

I was so happy to learn that the school now has a basketball. There is no hoop, YET! So we played keep away. I definetely have a little work to do with the ball handling skills. These kids are such fast learners. I am already excited to return the following year to see who the next Michael Jordan will be.

We woke up early saturday to drive nearly 9 hours to Taringere national park in Tanzania. It is such a beautiful place. There was not tons of animals like last year. That was due to most of the migration still farther north in the serengetti. The animals are just starting to make their way down. I could not sleep at all. Only a few hours. I had a chorus of snoring going on from my tent mate patrick and the two tents to our left. I woke up at 3:30 to the sound of a lion in the distance. The lion kept getting closer and closer. Finally I had heard him make his way into our camp. It sounded like he posted up a few hundred feet from our tents. He must of been huge, because he had the deepest roars. I tried to see him, but it was too dark. I was to scared to hit the flash light out the tent, because thin mesh will do little to stop him. That and I did not bring enough underwear.

We are now in Moshi. Moshi is a small town at the base of mount kiliminjaro. We will be here for 3 days. Dr. Synders is an orthopedic surgeon from Lynchburg, Virginia. He will be performing surgeries at KCMC. I will be around to do whatever he needs me to do. You know, cut something, be mental support, even whip the sweat from his brow. I will be going in there open minded. I am just a scrub trying to learn a few things in the medical game. At least I do not have to worry about someone trying to sue me.

We will be staying at a Masaii village in a few days. I heard so many wonderful things about this village last year. I spent my time at the hospital, so I never had the opportunity to see the village. I hear there is a hot springs there with crystal clear water. I am going to try to do a quick dive into the pool. There are crocodiles, so it must be quick. I think I am going to be a sweet guy and let someone else test the waters first. If the cost is clear, than I am in and out like super man. Wayne says there will most likely be masaii men with spears on the look out. But I am thinking to myself. Will spears take out a giant crocodile? I hope I do not have to find out. I was so sad that I did not get to see crocodiles last year due to the lack of rain. I just hope that my first encounter is not me in the water with one. I know God has only allowed one man to walk on water with him, but boy, am I going to try to be number 2.

I don't have much time left on the computer. I hope I will have enough time to get back to the internet cafe tomorrow. I will put up some pictures if possible. sorry about no pictures yet. Internet alone is such a comodity. I hope all is well...I will get back to you all soon

Take care!!!!


  1. Love it Aaron! So glad you're having a great time....hope everything keeps going well and you, too, don't find out about the crocs too up and personal. :P Enjoy your time.....

  2. Oh and this is Marissa Rhodes, by the way :P

  3. WOW loved reading about mercy care!! would you mind if I used some of your writing on the valley of hope newsletters?
    This blog is making me extremely, extremely jealous now! when you get back to mercy care, say hi to everyone for me!
    have fun!
