Tuesday, June 15, 2010

not much to say

I do not have much to report on today. We walked into the internet cafe a little after 10 this morning. I did want to let those of you reading that the group will be heading to a masaai village tomorrow morning. We will be picking up the local chief at the airport. We will be off to his village. This is one of the days I am most looking forward too. The group never got a chance to see the village last year. I believe it was only four from the group that had the chance to see the village last year. This time the whole group will be going and we will be staying the night. I really do not know what to expect. I know there is the hot springs there, which Wayne says has no crocodiles. Yet, people still seem to be eating by them. It reminds me of a cruise we were on one year. It was the first time that they had begun telling me stories about Africa. I have always had this passion for crocodiles. So, I ask Wayne, " Have you known of anyone that has been eating by crocodiles"? his reply, "oh no. Well there was this one time. Than there was this other time. We use to swim in this hot springs for years, but a woman was eating by a crocodile there." So I think he is just trying to comfort everyone. Just like you are not suppose to worry about lions running out of the bush into your camp. Which after a few nights ago, I can tell you, they do come out of the bush. They like to take a stroll through camp just like you do. It is not like there is a big cage keeping you from the animals like you would find at the zoo. You are really one with the animals. I kept laughing at all the signs at our camp in Taringere safari lodge. They were posted all over to be aware of wild animals. Also, there was a sign in the room that warned you not leave your tent at night. But, when you have a lion taking a night time stroll with a few roars. It is not so hard to stay in the tent.

My time is nearly up on the computer. I will get back to the blog in a few days. Well, that is if I have not met a crocodile on my very, very, very, very brief swim. I am saving my energy for tomorrow. I am going to try to out jump a few masaai. I will probably have to go up against there five year olds thou to make myself feel good. Catch everyone in a few days!

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