Tuesday, June 29, 2010

sorry for the long delay

I am really sorry about the delay. I know I have mentioned the internet situation before. I bought an internet card. I put alot of money on it. Enough money to get me through the rest of my trip. Wouldn't you know it thou, it does not work. I figured out the problem. The money that the girl at the shop added to it, never was added. So, now I have to go back and kick some butt. She was going to send me off without the receipt, but I knew better. Another bad thing is the internet card is only picking up reception in Nairobi. so the safari and the beach trip is a no go for internet. It is just another thing I think we take for granted. I know I like to complain when I am not getting fast connection for my xbox live games. Out here, you just hope you can get dial up connection.

We have been away for 3 days. We made our way down to Amboseli national park in southern Kenya. It was really a beautiful place. It was one of the nicest places I have ever stayed. I still think the Turks and Caicos has it thou, Aunt Shari. The view from your room or the common area was almost second to none. We had a view of mount kiliminjaro. It was so beautiful. We were able to see both peaks: Kibo and Mawenzi. The park was really beautiful. It was different than some of the other parks thou. It did not have a shortage of water. Water runs of the mountain and collects in pools around the park. I was hoping to see some crocodiles, but no luck. so the search must go on. This was the best park for elephants. We saw them all over the place. We got lucky in the last hour. We finally saw some lions. I was just hoping that some of the group would get a chance to see a cat. It was only going to be most of the groups only safari. So, I was hoping for the best. I could not believe how close the elephants would get to the vehicles. They would walk across the road in between vehicles. I thought we were going to have one elephant flip one of our vans. Also, another elephant flip the van I was in. We were within about 10 feet of a big male. he just stood there like a lazy big boy. Than all the sudden, he kicked his ears up and did a step. He was just trying to give us the picture. I was not really wanting to walk back to the camp. An interesting thing, I saw my first hippo out of the water. This park had alot of hippos. All in all, a great trip.

We had some confusion in our train transportation to the beach. So, we will be leaving tomorrow afternoon to Mombosa. I am so looking forward to this trip. I miss the beach. I need to feel like I am back home. Well, just a little. I sure do miss the food thou.

The clinics at the school have been going very well. We currently have two doctors and a nurse working things. It was really a treat, to learn some new things. The kids look great. We had so many issues last year. It was so exhausting. This year the kids look wonderful. It really is owed to the nurse at the school. She was hired just before we arrived last year. So it goes to show that she has been treating the kids throughout the year. I have been selfish and wanting to see some crazy things. But no luck. I had to tell a few kids to get sick, so I have something to look at.

I will put up a few pictures. I will get back to everyone at the end of the week. I will most likely be without internet again till we get back from Mombosa. Hope all is well!

1 comment:

  1. Hi!
    SOO good to hear all the mercy care kids health has improved!!
    good on catherine, she is incredible! your safari stories sound very safarish. i am about to look at your pics of the place you stayed at in southern kenya. a quick glance and i was like oh gosh, lucky you!!!
