Thursday, June 17, 2010

back in nairobi

Once again, I would like to apologize for the delay in posts. The internet has really been against us this year. Last year we had accommodations that provided internet. This year we are forced to take a drive to the internet cafe. Wayne purchased an internet card for our computers. The card has yet to work from the guest house. So, once again, we are forced to drive to the cafe. The cab ride is expensive here in Nairobi. I will continue to work through the heartache to get things posted. I will get a little more resourceful now and type up my posts at the guest house and just transfer the text to the computer at the cafe.

We left Moshi on the 15th. From there, we continued the next part of our journey to stay in a maasai village. It was such a great experience. I was expecting to stay in a small dung hut at first. The maasai had built a nice little house for guests who come to the village. So it was really nice accommodations. It was in fact, a lot nicer than st. Benedicts in Nairobi. For that, I will have to send a message to the pope. I guess he is saving money for his new jumbo jet lined in all gold. I guess he needs a lot of gold to get better reception to God. That, or he needs to save some money for lawyer fees to help his priests out. Just joking. Do not want to offend any catholics who might be reading these messages. The maasai had built some really nice schools for their people. Most maasai do not educate a lot of their people, but the chief of this particular tribe is a doctor. So his top three priorities are health, education, and water. So he is a very bright man. He wants the best for his people. I still found it a little funny to educate his people, when all they will become is goat and cow herders in their future. But it is a start in a great direction. We learned so much from staying the night with the maasai. We had learned that many facts about them in books are not entirely true. They have many beliefs in God just as we do. They just do not know of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Their is a book about the conversion of 4,000 maasai tribes man years ago. We come to realize that those tribesmen were told that they will acquire great riches if they converted to christianity. It goes to show that the language barrier between us and them had some to play into that roll. Also, a lack of accurate words were placed upon them. Many christians accross our world try to manipulate people into accepting the world of God. I am not sure if it is for personal gain, or if they see nothing wrong in what they are doing. I myself have seen christians use manipulative words to get accross their point. If you take an uneducated man and fill his head with what you want, he will believe. He will think to himself, this man is smart and wise. What he says, must be true. It has sad to think that their are christians out there that do not give people a chance to the truth. God wants us to spread the gospel in an accurate manner. He does not want us to fill peoples head with half the gospel and half jargon. He laid his foundation through the Bible. That we may read it for ourselves and understand his will for our lives. I have come to realize that christianity to many is simply a way of fitting in. Whether you truly believe in the words of God or not. You can realize that spreading the world of God to tribal men is to put the truth of the word out there. Let these men conform to what they will. You can make a maasai man a christian without changing everything that he believes in. Their should never be force to change everything that a man is.

We went for our swim in the springs. It was a wonderful place. It was like the jewel in the rough. You travel through the middle of nowhere and their lies an oasis. It was the most beautiful water I have seen here in Africa. It reminded me of the springs we have back in Florida. The only difference was the water was warm. Also, there are crocodiles that wonder in there for a meal. We did not see any crocodiles. So that was not a problem. The springs make their way into a river system. It is from that river system that the crocodiles make their way into the springs. We had the maasai chief standing at the entrance way into the springs for crocodiles. Not that some might believe him. Everyone kept saying, crocodile! So by the time there was a crocodile, we would of all been like, "ya right."

We must head to the airport in a few minutes. So I will get back to the computer soon and put up another post upon my return. We have our second group flying into Nairobi in a few hours. It might take us an hour and a half to make it a few miles to the airport. Thanks to the wonderful traffic of Nairobi. I will start to get some pictures up soon. I will begin to write my posts on my computer and save it. Than just transfer it to the computer here at the cafe. That way I can have more time to put up pictures. I will get back to every soon!

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